Friday 15 October 2010

Birds n Bees

We’ve always been open about Sex Ed with Heather and Jo. We agreed when H was small that we’d answer their questions as they came and not lecture them or burden them with detail. My Mum sat me down and gave me the full graphic description. It took over half an hour and just served to confuse me.

School has just launched into the biology of the whole thing with line drawings and cartoon couplings.

She brought a worksheet home this evening which she got absolutely and very comically wrong.

Don’t get me wrong. She’s bright enough. She just doesn’t learn things like an arrow whizzing to its target. It’s more like a feather wafting in a zephyr.

Anyway, when we reordered the whole thing so that sperm doesn’t originate in the ovary (where it’s nice and warm) and doesn’t go on a swim to look for eggs in the vagina, she sat looking thoughtfully. Then she said, “so have you and Mummy done it?”. and then squealed “FOUR TIMES!” at my answer. For an embarrassed moment I almost said “we’ve done it morethan 4 times” but managed to suppress that one.

Homework done and book closed we went back to watching Modern Family (the earthquake one). Thank goodness I’d got through that one fairly unscathed.

She then turned to me and asked “How does it get in there then?”

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