Wednesday 18 May 2011

Decision Time?

We need to decide (as always) what will be best for Ashley’s education.

Special School has always been an option but we went with Inclusion in our local school. He has a brilliant carer who has given him intense physio to get him standing and walking with a frame.

He has benefited from being with 4 and 5 year olds who have given him visible targets for his physical development.

However the gap between him and his peers (they turn 6 before September) is getting wider.

We visited our town’s Special School about a year ago and were impressed by their work (just not the fabric of the buildings!) They move into a new purpose built school in September.

He wouldn’t have one-to-one care but his work would be tailored to his ability along with similarly challenged kids.

We’re happy about our decision to have him stay in school but question the benefit he would get in the next few years.

The medicos all think Special School is a good idea. School want to keep hold.

How do you decide?

What questions do you ask yourself?

This is a toughy and all input’s welcome.


Ellen Seidman said...

Ah. I can only imagine. We didn't have to make this decision because our school district wasn't able to fully accommodate all of Max's needs/therapies. A school for kids with special needs seemed best for him. I was looking into inclusion last year, because I do think being around so-called typical kids would benefit Max, but our district just fired all of the aides in our district and got hourly workers, and our coordinator said the quality was iffy and that we shouldn't even consider changing right now, because of the transition.

We will revisit again. For now, I feel confident knowing Max is getting the therapies/special attention he needs.

This is what I would consider/ask:

When you say the gap is getting wider between Ashley and his peers, do you mean physically or intellectually? If just physical, I would consider keeping him in his current school.

If a mix, I would take a look at the school and see if there are other kids there like Ashley, then I would speak with their parents to hear about their experiences with the school. I would also ask lots and lots of questions about the curriculum and therapies he would receive. I would also find out about the experience of the therapists. Surprisingly, the ones at our local school are far more experienced than the ones in Max's school, who are young and smart and make up for lack of experience with enthusiasm.

Hope some of this is helpful, I will tweet this for you!

dderbydave said...

Thanks Ellen. This has given us a lot to think about.
Physically Ashley is improving and can walk with a frame and stand against things.
Academically .. it's not really happening. He excels on the computer but writing, reading and speech are at about 2yo on most assessments.
The curriculum at the school and the homework sent home are aimed at the "normal" kids so .. we need to do some thinking.