Monday 30 May 2011

Hair Today

I’ve never been too fussy about the way I look.

Don’t get me wrong I’m not like Catweazle but I’m comfortable just being clean shaven and my hair being tidy.

My girls however are different matter.

They both love new haircuts and new clothes and most other things with the word “new” in front of them. They’ve started experimenting with make-up (sometime with hilarious results) and *cough* perfume too (often with eye-watering results).

When I was small I hated the barber’s (hairdressers were for women then). The standard was “short back and sides” and the clippers felt horrible on my scalp. In my teens I had more control and allowed it to grow into a mop.

Unfortunately curly,wavy hair does have a tendency to grow out rather than down so I eventually settled on a short hair cut.

As a young adult I’d never know what to say to barbers. It was almost like a comedy – line/ “What would like me to do sir?” I’d say “Well I’d rather like you to cut my hair please.”

On the rare occasions I ventured into the modern shops I was appalled at the at the foppishness of the boys washing my hair and appalled at the price I had to settle up after the deed.

I eventually found a “hairdresser/barber” who offered decent cuts for not much. You had good conversation, local papers to read, and they remembered you when you came back in. I went to that barber for 20 years and saw his boys go from hair sweepers for pocket money to married men.

When the new Rock development appeared in town the shop disappeared under a pile of rubble and eventually lots of shiny new shops. I tried some other hairdressers but it wasn’t the same.

Now I use clippers on myself and Gill trims the back (she always jokes about shaving rude words into the back of my head).

Heather had her hair cut? styled? today. I think she looks very grown up and,well, gorgeous.

Before (a bit wet) and After.

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