Tuesday 14 June 2011

Taking Control

It’s easy to let things slip and being organised has always been a bug bear of mine.

I keep a calendar on Google which is dandy for repeat events, colour coding and reminders.

We also have a 7 week wipe off calendar which the kids add things to when events come up. I transfer details from Google onto the wipe-off so everyone knows what’s coming up.

If it ain’t on the calendar, Dad doesn’t know about it.

We plan each week ahead so that clashes don’t happen and decide who’s attending what – with me working it’s easy for Gill to get the lion’s share of medicals, which is hardly fair.

All the kids school breaks are on the calendar which is more important with two school involved.

It also helps me to retrieve data: I can’t remember dates and the “events” filter helps me find out when things happened and see patterns too.

It’s not 100% as things slip through the net and we end up missing things or doubled booked. But it’s good enough and serves the purpose.

So are you a filofax fiend or a post-it person?

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