Wednesday 1 June 2011


“t’internet” is used up here in the North of England by folk who see it in the same way as the first people to spot a new fangled autymobile chugging by. The kids use it and take it for granted and oldies like me have learned to harness it and make it work for us.

The internet is what you make it.

Social networking is fab but can be intrusive and you can say too much.

Email is a great tool in business to send information and pics as attachments but is getting outdated by modern media. I can remember telling my boss about 8 years ago about using on-site gear to show him around installations while he was still in his office. Now that’s humdrum.

I can keep in touch with old school pals without the pain of sitting in a bar with them.

I can chat with folk in the US with free video links.

I read several blogs most days and amongst them is one by Ellen, Mum to Purple Spaghetti Max. I can get a daily dose of someone in a very similar situation to us but a few years on. Others who comment on her blog provide further insight too. Blogging does expose you to the world but it’s up to you what you write and put out there in the way of pictures. The feedback I get from the likes of mumof4 (I’m a dadof4!) and mancais via twitter (we both seem to spend a lot of time in hospitals!:)) and many others is invaluable.

One bugbear I do have is all the tempting Get Rich Quick Schemes. I would love to work for ten hours a week and pull in £$1000 but in the real world, it ain’t gonna happen. I’m sure there are ways to set up home businesses but it’s not as easy as they make out.

We’ve been online (first dial up and now Broadband) for 14 years.

So how long have you been online? and is the internet a pain or a boon or a bit of both?

I think life was probably quieter without it.

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